Measure of Man – Measure of Architecture

New Responsibility in Architecture and Urbanism

August 12 – November 10,  2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010, 6.30 p.m.

Speakers at the opening:
Dr. h.c. Kristin Feireiss, Aedes Berlin
Markus Dochantschi, studioMDA, New York
Friederike Meyer, Redakteurin Bauwelt, Berlin

Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs will write the introduction to the exhibtion. Jeffrey D. Sachs is the Director of The Earth Institute, Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, and Professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University. He is also Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. From 2002 to 2006, he was Director of the UN Millennium Project and Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan on the Millennium Development Goals, the internationally agreed goals to reduce extreme poverty, disease, and hunger by the year 2015. Sachs is also President and Co-Founder of Millennium Promise Alliance, a nonprofit organization aimed at ending extreme global poverty.


Aedes Cooperation Partners


powered by BauNetz

  • Markus Dochantschi, Studio MDA, New York

  • Friederike Meyer, Redakteurin Bauwelt, Berlin

  • Alfredo Brillembourg, Ulla Giesler

  • Robert Shaw, Marco Clausen

  • Markus Dochantschi

  • Matthias Rick

  • Eike Roswag

Recent years have witnessed a growing sense of responsibility among architects, urbanists, artists, activists and representatives from related disciplines worldwide, to use their specialist knowledge, skills and networks to improve ordinary daily life by tackling issues which otherwise often remain unaddressed- in urban, suburban and rural environments, mostly, though not explicitly, in developing countries or regions struggling with harsh natural environments.

A defining characteristic of these architecture and urbanism projects is their intention to function as instigators of social, infrastructural or economic change, over and above functioning as an aesthetic object.

Based on observing patterns and needs of indigenous life, these projects develop insightful solutions and new typologies for living, learning and working. They serve to generate local identity and through this increase social, educational and economic potential. At the same time they offer a local response to global challenges such as migration, poverty or energy sustainability.
The exhibition introduces a broad range of subject and projects from all over the world:

A project in Spain promotes integration of migrant families and the maintenance of the architectural and cultural heritage by providing housing and work opportunities in rural areas suffering from depopulation.

On the African continent a number of educational facilities are established: an architecture university in a former factory building in Ethiopia, a self-sufficient academy for girls in Malawi as well as pre-schools and social hubs in rural areas of Mozambique. These projects employ local workers and use traditional construction techniques and materials.

Other projects include a sports and community centre Caracas, Venezuela; a reopened cinema in Jenin, Palestine; a housing programme for flood victims in India using durable bamboo structure.
Offering help towards self-help is one of the main goals of the projects on show; architecture and urbanism have a key role in their implementation. The exhibition presents practical solutions for improving living conditions in Europe, Africa, Asia and other parts of the world and also reflects critically the benefits and limitations of the respective approaches and responsibilities of its protagonists – individuals, universities, professional bodies or non-government organisations.

The exhibition is connected with the ANCB (Aedes Network Campus Berlin) programmes Re-act Lab and Measure of Man-Measure of Architecture (a forthcoming pilot research project with European-based partners, curated by Klaudia Ruschkowski).


Raising Malawi Academy for Girls, Malawi
studioMDA, Markus Dochantschi, New York/USA, Frankfurt/Germany

HIM_Habitat Initiative Mozambique, Mozambique

Ziegert | Roswag | Seiler Architekten Ingenieure, Eike Roswag, Berlin/Germany,

School handmade in Bangladesh, Bangladesh

Cooperation school handmade, Anna Heringer, Linz/Austria, Eike Roswag, Berlin/Germany,

Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Kosi Flood Affected Regions, Bihar/India

Owner Driven Reconstruction Collaborative (ODRC), Hunnarshala Foundation, Sandeep Virmani, Bihar/India,

Transbordering. A tactical manual for São Paulo street life, São Paulo/Brazil
Marcos L. Rosa, Kristine Stiphany, Berlin/Germany, São Paulo/Brazil,

Metro-Cable San Agustin, Caracas/Venezuela
Environmental Center and Music Factory, Favela Paraisópolis, Grotão, São Paulo/Brazil
Urban-Think Tank, Alfredo Brillembourg & Hubert Klumpner, Caracas/Venezuela, São Paulo/Brazil,

cinema jenin, Jenin/Palestine
CINEMA JENIN e.V., Marcus Vetter, Berlin/Germany, Tübingen/Germany and Cinema Jenin Association, Fakhri Hamad, Jenin/Palestine and Hucke Architektur, Aachen/Germany and Mara
Luebbert, Berlin/Germany

Natwalk 2.0.
remote-controlled, studio for space-encompassing artistic research, Anton Markus Pasing, Münster/Germany,

Prinzessinnengärten, Berlin/Germany
Nomadisch Grün (g)GmbH, Robert Shaw, Marco Clausen, Berlin/Germany,

Nuevos Senderos - new pathways for immigrant families, Provinces of Teruel, Soria and Guadalajara/Spain

CEPAIM Foundation, Madrid/Spain in cooperation with the Spanish Department of Employment and Immigration

Self-contained day labor station, San Francisco/USA

Public Architecture, John Peterson and Liz Ogbu, San Francisco/USA,

Bamburral: Permeable Foundations, São Paulo/Brazil

Kristin Stiphany and Brasil Arquitetura, São Paulo/Brazil

Dolmusch X-Press, Berlin/Germany
raumlaborberlin and Peanutz Architekten with HAU Berlin, Berlin/Germany


Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación, Fundación Cepaim, Emassy of Spain, akt - Adams Kara Taylor, VIA, Doppelmayr, Zumtobel, ArcelorMittal, Busch-Jaeger, carpetconcept, AXOR Hansgrohe


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