#1 Mediality
Bilder als Medien verfügen über einen gegenständlich-instrumentellen Sinn. Medialität bedeutet die undingliche Vermittlungsleistung eines Mediums zwischen Vorstellen und Darstellen. Innerhalb dessen hat es mit den Bildern von Architektur und Musik eine besondere Bewandtnis: Sie lassen sehen, was zu tun ist respektive was gebaut und was gespielt werden soll. Wie funktionieren diese Bilder des Tuns? Was zeigen sie? Wie tun sie das? Wie werden sie hergestellt? Wie zirkulieren sie?
(This lecture will be held in German)
Oda Pälmke Architect, Berlin
Christopher Dell Vibraphone, Berlin
Karen Lorenz Viola, Berlin
Jonas Westergaard Contrabass, Berlin
With the participating protaganists.
Dialogue Concerts
On the occasion of Aedes Architecture Forum’s 40th anniversary, the series Dialogue Concerts. Conceptual Research on Architecture and Music presents a pluralistic media format, re-envisioning urban research. Architectural practice will enter into a dialogue with musical praxis.
Designed as a montage of lecture, concert and discussion, Dialogue Concerts will examine how urban space determines our communal life from December 2019 to November 2020. In this context, the city is not defined as a fixed object, but as a dynamic and collective constellation that is performatively produced.
Curated by the vibraphonist, composer and urban theoretician Christopher Dell, Dialogue Concerts is presented as artistic statement and critical dispositif. International architects and musicians are invited to address aspects of procedural strategies across disciplines in a series of six Dialogue Concerts. Taking questions of mediality, corporality, interaction, materiality, structure and transformation as starting points, Dialogue Concerts creates a discursive space seeking to illustrate the societal relevance of both disciplines in a new way.
Dialogue Concerts is organized by Christopher Dell in cooperation with the Aedes Architecture Forum, funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe and the Musikfonds e.V. with project funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.