Fritz Schumacher Prize for Kristin Feireiss
This year's Fritz Schumacher Prize for Urban Design and Building Culture goes to Aedes founder and curator Kristin Feireiss for her commitment to building culture. Hamburg's Senator for Urban Development and Housing, Karen Pein, presented the award from the Hamburg Senate together with Chief Building Director Franz-Josef Höing. The laudatory speech for Kristin Feireiss was given by board member and architect Peter St John from London.

The Senator with the Aedes Team: Christian
Thomas, Christine Meierhofer, Hans-Jürgen Commerell, Julia
Schlütsmeier-Hage, Alissia Naïda Hoffmann, Kristin Feireiss, Senator
Karen Pein, Mathias Schnell, Dunya Bouchi, Miriam Mlecek © Ulrich Perrey
“Architecture and urban planning concern us all, Kristin Feireiss is convinced of that. Her credo is: We are the ones who make up the urban universe. For forty years, Kristin Feireiss has been tirelessly encouraging people to engage with our built environment. Her architecture forum Aedes offers cleverly curated exhibitions and stimulating debates with personalities from all over the world. She is an incomparable ambassador for building culture.” Karen Pein, Senator for Urban Development and Housing
“Kristin Feireiss lives architecture - as an expert, as a communicator and as a source of inspiration. She founded Aedes, the world's first architecture gallery, in Berlin in 1980 and has been setting standards as a curator of exhibitions and initiator of influential debates on architecture ever since, both in Germany and internationally. For her, architecture is a public matter - Ms. Feireiss represents this conviction in a way that is as creative as it is inspiring. She is passionate about bringing together key players and engaging them in conversation about architecture and its social responsibility and urban dimension.” Franz-Josef Höing, Chief Building Director
A short film about the award winner Kristin Feireiss is available here.
About the Prize
The Fritz Schumacher Prize is awarded by the Senate of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg every three to five years to commemorate the outstanding importance of the former Chief Building Director Fritz Schumacher (1869-1947) for Hamburg's building culture and urban development. Kristin Feireiss is the first female winner since the Hamburg Senate took over the awarding of the prize again in 2007. In addition to the award for Kristin Feireiss, two travel grants were also awarded to the young talents. Aedes would like to congratulate the young prizewinners Lea Hartmeyer, Thomas Lesch and Patrick Schneider. Previous winners of the Fritz Schumacher Prize include: Prof. Joachim Schürmann (2007), Prof. Peter P. Schweger (2010), Prof. Thomas Sieverts (2013), Prof. Bernhard Winking (2016) and former Chief Building Director Prof. Jörn Walter (2019).

Senator Karen Pein and Kristin Feireiss © Ulrich Perrey

© Ulrich Perrey

Laudator Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir and the newcomer award winners Lea Hartmeyer, Thomas Lesch and Patrick Schneider © Ulrich Perrey

Laudator Peter St John © Ulrich Perrey

Dunya Bouchi and Miriam Mlecek, Aedes team © Ulrich Perrey

© Ulrich Perrey

Kristin Feireiss © Ulrich Perrey

Hans-Jürgen Commerell, Karen Pein, Kristin Feireiss, Thomas Lesch, Lea Hartmeyer, Patrick Schneider, Franz-Josef Höing © Ulrich Perrey

Karen Pein © Ulrich Perrey

Feireiss, Reiner Nagel (Bundesstiftung Baukultur), Benedikt Jodocy
(Director of Cemex), Hans-Jürgen Commerell © Ulrich Perrey

Isabel Zumtobel, Hans-Jürgen
Commerell, Karen Pein, Jeanette Kunsmann (AW Architektur &
Wohnen), Kristin Feireiss, Karen Hartwig (AW Architektur & Wohnen),
Clarissa Dolff-Kubasch (AW Architektur & Wohnen) © Ulrich Perrey

Jörn Walter (former Chief Building Director, Hamburg), Matthias Sauerbruch, Hans-Jürgen Commerell, Lousia Hutton, Monika Thomas (State Councillor for Urban Development and Housing, Hamburg), Kristin Feireiss, Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir © Ulrich Perrey

Volker Halbach, Kristin Feireiss, Tim Heide, Rüdiger Ebel © Hans-Jürgen Commerell