schmidt hammer lassen architects, Denmark
Give More
February 3 – March 15, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012, 6.30 pm
Speaking at the opening:
Dr.h.c. Kristin Feireiss, Aedes Berlin
Per Erik Veng, Minister Counsellor, Head of Communication, Culture & Public Diplomacy The Royal Danish Embassy, Berlin
David Keuning, Senior Editor of MARK magazine
Beate Engelhorn, Curator Aedes
On the occasion of the opening of the two exhibitions "Give more" and "Ring Road Cologne " the ANCB Metropolitan Laboratory invites you to the public debate:
Profiling the European City - Notes from Cologne and Copenhagen
Time: 3. Februar 2012, 16.30h – 18.30h
Location: ANCB, Christinenstr. 18-19, 10119 Berlin
Cultural and urban planning strategies for the European City of tomorrow will be presented and discussed through case-studies concepts and projects from Cologne and Copenhagen. Through urban planning and architecture interventions European cities are afforded opportunities to strengthen the sense of belonging of their inhabitants, by reinforcing those characteristics that communicate identity and the entity of the city. With a focus on the theme of public space, its user-oriented participation, and the design of quality, mobility and orientation, Dietmar Leyk will moderate a discussion with Bjarne Hammer, Bernd Streitberger and Albert Speer.
Hans-Jürgen Commerell / Dr. h.c.Kristin Feireiss
Bjarne Hammer, Gründungspartner Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects, Aarhus
Bernd Streitberger, Dezernent für Planen und Bauen, Köln
Dietmar Leyk, Berlin
Bernd Streitberger, Bjarne Hammer und Albert Speer, AS&P, Frankfurt
Michael Großmann, SBI, Hamburg; Karin Kuttner, Kuttner + Kahl, Landschaftsarchitekten, Hamburg; Regina Poly, office regina poly, Berlin; Prof. Walter Ackers und Sandra Pechmann, Ackers Partner Städtebau, Braunschweig u.a.